Buying a car is likely to be the second most significant purchase you make, after buying a home so it goes without saying that carrying out a car check with the most reputable car data provider out there should be high on your list of priorities during the purchase process.
It is important you make the most informed decision possible and avoid issues such as; Rolled-Back Mileage and Clocked Cars, Repossession due to Existing Finance, Increasing Insurance Premiums and Safety Concerns due to previous Write-Offs. With research showing that around a third of vehicles being sold have some kind of hidden history issue that may not be disclosed during the sales process it’s always wise to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible in advance of purchase.
And for the price of a pizza meal it makes a whole lot of sense to get a car check with Cartell as a Cartell car history check is considered the gold standard in terms of vehicle data for Irish and UK imported vehicles. Drive it away without any doubts – get it checked with Cartell.