So is Scrappage really driving the Market?

In 2009 the Government of the day announced the introduction of a scheme – the scrappage scheme – which provided a significant financial incentive for owners of 10-year-old vehicles to buy a new car. Originally the scheme was worth €1,500 to a buyer of a new vehicle but that figure was reduced to €1,250 for […] International Rally of the Lakes 2011

PRESS RELEASE International Rally of the Lakes 2011 Killarney, INEC, April 29 – May 1, 2011 The May Bank Holiday weekend has long been associated with rallying – it’s the weekend of the Rally of the Lakes an international event of prestige which features – at Molls Gap – one of the most picturesque […]

Used Car Advice Trading in a Lanos Update!

Regular readers of our blog will remember Clare who asked us for some help choosing a car after she realised her Daewoo Lanos did not fit the bill after the birth of her first child. We recommended a few different options for Clare, including a Ford Mondeo and a Mercedes Benz A Class – so […]

Used Car Advice! Trade-In a Daewoo Lanos and purchase a…?

In a new regular feature asks buyers in the market for details on the type of used-car they’re looking to purchase – the factors that go into their decision – and then we research the market and make some suggestions for used cars (with a little help from our friends in the trade!) This […]

Latest edition of eDRIVE – our Partner eZine – now online!

You can now view the latest edition of our Partner Ezine eDrive! This month’s edition features news on the International Rally of the Lakes which will take place April 29 – May 1 in Killarney. Cartell’s Jeff Aherne tells the magazine how he watched the Rally in Killarney when he was a teenager and […]

TRADE FOCUS: Sleator Kia, Mullingar

For this month’s Trade Focus stopped by for a chat with Sleator Kia just off the M4 in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. It’s been a good year for Sleator’s they were this year officially appointed Kia Dealer for Westmeath and Longford after a presence in the area selling cars for many years previously. Barry Martin […]

Used Car Review: Kia Cee’d Diesel

During a recent chat with Barry Martin at Sleator Kia, Mullingar, asked what car he would recommend for a customer with €20,000 to spend on a used car. Barry didn’t hesitate to recommend a 3-month-old (pre-registered demo) Kia Cee’d so hopped in the drivers seat to try it out. Normally retailing for €20,850 […] announces 3-year Rally of the Lakes sponsorship deal!

Used Car History Check expert is delighted to announce a three year sponsorship deal with the organisers of the Rally of the Lakes – one of the most prestigious rally’s on the Circuit of Ireland! Cartell are thrilled to be associated with the event as title sponsors of the rally. We are also delighted […]

Over 88,000 vehicles ‘clocked’ in Dublin and Cork

PRESS RELEASE Over 88,000 vehicles ‘clocked’ in Dublin and Cork Used Car History Check expert Cartell today releases information on the estimated number of clocked vehicles per county across the country. (See chart below). Clocking of motor vehicle’s (the resetting of a vehicle’s odometer to display less miles than those actually travelled) has now become […]

Irish and UK insurers set to track 40,000 write-offs

PRESS RELEASE says initiative is the first-of-its-kind Up to 40,000 imported cars on Irish roads could be write offs according to a new report from car history analysis company ‘Cartell’.  Cartell has today launched a new initiative to help keep track of UK write-offs which are put back on the roads and exported to […]

The “Clocking” Case this Week in the Courts

Earlier this week Cartell featured in the national media when we published – among other things – a list of car manufacturers and models which were most frequently clocked in 2010. Clocking of a vehicle also featured in evidence in a criminal prosecution successfully brought in the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court on Wednesday. However – […]

One in three imported vehicles have serious issues

PRESS RELEASE An article in today’s Irish Sun (Wednesday 1 December) features statistics provided by Used Car History Check experts concerning vehicles imported from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The results – based on a sample of 5,430 vehicles – show 11.4% of imports have been clocked (i.e.had their odometer altered to incorrectly reflect […]

Outstanding Finance: Some Information From Cartell understands that Finance is a critical issue for consumers. This was always the case, even before the current economic downturn, but now, more than ever, customers are concerned that a vehicle they purchase may have finance outstanding on it from a previous owner. We’ve been highlighting this issue for some time based on our […]

Cartell Calls For Systemic Changes To Help Eradicate Illegal Clocking

Jeff Aherne, Director and co-founder of the online car history checking company has called for systemic changes to eradicate illegal clocking. The issue will once again be raised by RTE’s Buyer Beware programme, due to air tonight Wednesday 18th November 2009. The programme uncovers a whole raft of irregularities within the system which Aherne […] calls for Stolen Vehicle Register to be set up

With approximately 8,000 vehicles stolen each year in Ireland and between 10-15% of them never being re-covered,, the independent car history checking company is urgently calling for a national Stolen Vehicle Register (SVR) to be set up. Jeff Aherne, Director of comments, “Our objective has always been, and remains, to keep Irish motorists […] welcomes new open approach from insurance industry but vows to continue lobbying for a safer system

Cartell®, the only independent car history checking company , today welcomed the Irish Insurance Federation’s (IIF) decision to share information on a car’s history with the government. It is believed that a report written by in November 2007 and forwarded to the Road Safety Authority, Garda Siochana and Revenue Commissions promoted a major review […]

MAM VRM data now extended to Republic of Ireland

MAM Software today announced that its VRM lookup solution now supports Republic of Ireland vehicle registrations, providing quick and easy vehicle identification from directly within Autocat+ A feature of MAM’s comprehensive Autocat+ electronic catalogue, VRM helps identify and provide detailed specifications (make, model, cc, etc) associated with a particular vehicle. By providing accurate, comprehensive data, […]

Cartell calls for change in law to clean up industry

Cartell®, the independent car history check, is calling for a change in the law that will protect consumers against what they describe as “potentially critical procedures” currently operating within the motor industry. According to Jeff Aherne, Spokesperson for Cartell, “We are a consumer driven service and provide the Irish car-buying public with a range of […]

Audi imports to Ireland double

Ireland is witnessing phenomenal growth in the luxury car importation market, with Audi imports alone practically doubling in the last two years, according to new figures released today by – Ireland’s only used car history check. Cost saving and specification benefits can be found by purchasing in the UK, which explains why both private […]