Essential Factors to Consider in a Comprehensive Car History Check

Car driving on road in Ireland

It’s always wise to conduct a vehicle history check when purchasing a used car, and can provide critical information about a car’s past. With the prevalence of PCP deals, it’s especially important to know if there is any outstanding finance on the car before you buy it. Here are some of the essential things to look for in a vehicle history check.

Mileage is a crucial factor to consider when buying a used car. Dishonest sellers may try to alter the car’s odometer reading to make it appear as if it has covered fewer miles than it has. This practice, known as clocking, can help them sell the car for a higher price. However, a car’s true mileage is recorded in a national database at the time of its NCT. A vehicle history check from can access this database to confirm the car’s mileage at the time of the last NCT. By comparing this figure with the car’s odometer reading, you can detect any discrepancies and avoid buying a car that has been clocked.

Another important thing to look for in a vehicle history check is outstanding finance. If a car has finance outstanding on it, it’s not legally yours until the final payment has been made. This means that the lender who financed the purchase can repossess the vehicle if the original PCP holder defaults on their payments, leaving you with no recourse. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that the car you’re buying has no outstanding finance. A vehicle history check can help you identify this issue and avoid buying a car with a financial encumbrance.

Knowing whether a car has ever been written off is also essential. Insurance companies may deem a car to be a write-off if it’s too damaged to be safely returned to the road or if the cost of repairs exceeds the car’s value. There are four types of write-offs in Ireland, with Category A and B write-offs being too damaged to be scrapped, while Category C and D write-offs are repairable but may have some residual damage. A vehicle history check will tell you if a car has ever been written off, and this information is crucial in making an informed purchase decision.

The number of previous owners is another aspect to consider. While it’s not a crucial piece of information, it’s good to know how many owners the car has had. However, if you’re satisfied with the car’s condition and history, there’s no particular reason to avoid buying a car with a high number of owners. Dishonest sellers may lie about the number of previous owners, so it’s important to check this information in a vehicle history report.

Finally, it’s important to know whether a car has ever been used as a taxi or hackney. Taxi and hackney cars often have high mileages and experience wear and tear due to their constant use. They may also have some unusual odors and stains that may be difficult to remove. While it’s ideal to avoid cars with previous taxi or hackney use, if you decide to take the risk, it’s important to know for sure and make an informed decision.

In conclusion, a vehicle history check is an essential step in the used car buying process. It can reveal critical information about a car’s past, including its mileage, outstanding finance, write-off status, number of previous owners, and previous use as a taxi or hackney. By conducting a thorough vehicle history check, you can avoid buying a car with hidden issues and make a more informed purchase decision.