Taking Selfies – another hazardous activity behind the wheel

ONE in every four drivers under the age of 25 has taken a ‘selfie’ while driving, according to a new survey. Recently Cartell has blogged about other hazardous behind-the-wheel activities including  driving with a cold and other distractions like changing radio station.

This latest survey, reported in the Irish Independent, carried out on young drivers around Europe, shows that nearly half of drivers in the same age group had taken a photo on their phone while driving – an unbelievably high number. 7,000 drivers were interviewed for the research, conducted for Ford, which showed young men most likely to engage in the risky activity.

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Research has shown that taking a ‘selfie’ while on the road will distract a driver for about 14 seconds. Checking Facebook or Twitter while driving will on average distract for around 20 seconds – or the length of five football pitches for a car travelling at 100km/h. Despite a high level of young drivers taking ‘selfies’ behind the wheel, almost all surveyed said they believed it was a dangerous act. There have been a number of car accidents around the world this year when it has been believed a driver was taking a ‘selfie’ prior to collision. British drivers were found to be the worst – with a third admitting to taking a ‘selfie’ behind the wheel.

Taken from article published by Irish Independent