Carzone Motoring Report provides useful insight on consumer sentiment

Cartell was delighted to provide some assistance to for the recent publication of their Motoring Report. This is the third such report and we have collaborated on each occasion alongside Aside from the headline figure across a lot of coverage of the report – 474,418  vehicles changed hands in the last six months of 2013 – the report makes for interesting reading of Irish consumer habits generally:

Fuel and road tax are the two most prominent concerns for the Irish buyer when considering their new purchase; the demand for diesel vehicle’s outstrips supply – presumably because diesel vehicle’s are more easily capable of fulfilling the consumer’s requirements for higher MPGs and road tax. (Generally speaking this is still the case, but market sentiment may change in the future when more and more lower-emission, higher economy,  petrol vehicle’s are available in the second-hand market. You can read our story from last year which points to a new breed of petrol vehicle’s which offer increased affordability).

carzone motoring report

Other conclusions from the report are equally noteworthy: Black is the most popular colour for vehicle’s in the used car market (only Ulster rates red higher); the VW Golf is the most searched-for vehicle; interest in electric-powered cars is still low; younger motorists use more music-related in-car entertainment devices while sat-nav is popular with older motorists; women spend considerably less on their car per annum than men, (€3,398 vs €3,814); and women continue to prefer petrol over diesel models. There are many other conclusions in the report, it’s well worth a read, and we are delighted it has stirred interest in the used vehicle market at an important juncture.