Speed Limits to be reviewed

Car trade magazine Autobiz reports on remarks made by Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar at a recent ‘sod turning’ where he said: “Recent road safety measures like speed cameras and new drink driving laws have gone a long way towards improving road safety. However, we need to ensure that the right speed limits are in operation on the right roads.”

His remarks are in connection with the recent Department of Transport announcement that a nationwide audit of speed limits is planned to ensure all speed restrictions are both safe and sensible. While the speed limits are set by the Minister, the restrictions are made in consultation with local authorities who consult with the Gardai. In respect of national primary and secondary routes the Department of Transport engages with the National Roads Authority. The stated aim of this review is to overhaul inconsistencies nationwide. On this point the Minister remarked: “We all know of cases where speed limits are inappropriately low or inappropriately high. I understand that there is some confusion among drivers about the various speed limits which should and do apply, as well as the approach to speed limit signage on national, regional and local roads.

“There are also allegations that local authorities are not consistent in how they decide on the appropriate speed limit, which has also contributed to driver confusion. Last year a new set of guidelines for special speed limits was published. This audit will follow on from that publication.”