Annual NCT for vehicles 10 years and older

The National Car Test (NCT) now applies annually to vehicles 10 years old since June 1. Up until that date vehicles were subject to their first NCT after four years and another test every two years thereafter. The new rules mean a vehicle will still have its first NCT after four years and will then be subject to a test every other year for a further three cycles before the requirement to have the vehicle tested will come into effect after ten years. While the new rules will apply immediately to all vehicles registered before June 1, 2001 the rules will not apply to classic cars registered before 1980.

The NCT was recently the subject of controversy when a number of employees were sacked following an RTÉ programme which highlighted bribery in at least one NCT centre.

Cartell Discount for Older Vehicles

We at Cartell appreciate the annual NCT  – coupled with the recession – will make things a little more difficult for older vehicle owners. To assist a bit – and for a limited period – Cartell is delighted to present a Ten Euro Discount on our 2-star and 3-star checks if your car is at least eight years old. In other words any vehicle which is registered ’03’ or earlier can avail of great rates…

A 3 Star History and Finance Check will cost you 25 Euro (reduced from 35 Euro)

A 2 Star History Check will cost you 10 Euro (reduced from 20 Euro)

To avail of this offer simply enter your vehicle registration number – as you would do anyway – and our system will apply the discount!