Car Ownership Scam to avoid penalty points!

The Irish Times reports (February 2, 2011, print edition) on an ownership scam where vehicle ownership is transferred to unsuspecting persons in order to avoid fines and penalty points. In one case the paper reports that a Co. Wicklow-based child, aged 13, was listed as the owner of a vehicle which incurred a motoring fine.

The Department of Transport, responding to a query on behalf of the boy by Joe Behan TD, acknowledged that such registration errors had been detected but that numbers are ‘relatively few’ Officials also indicated that there is no evidence that the issue was a ‘growing problem’ though it does appear to be quite persistent.

Mr. Behan is reported as saying this was not an adequate position for the Department to take as it was only basing its decisions on the numbers actually detected and not on the overall figure. While the Department receives 750,000 notifications for transfer of vehicle ownership annually and while there are ‘administrative procedures’ in place it doesn’t appear that evidence of identification is required. Therefore this issue may require further consideration: especially if evidence of a greater problem comes to light.

0 thoughts on “Car Ownership Scam to avoid penalty points!

  • Does this mean that I can transfer my car to my wife and get away with points or does it have to be a real person or can it only be to a kid?

  • Tommy we hope your wife is a “real person” heh heh
    Well, by the looks of things it seems cars really can be toyz for big boys now! (even if you’re not aware of it..)

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