Flirting and Lying: statistics from “vehicle clamping” front line

A study by AA Motor Insurance, which featured recently in Autobiz trade magazine, says some of the excuses used by motorists to get out of clamping include:

crying  3.5%

bleeding heart excuse  3.2%

pleading bankruptcy 1.9%

flirting 1.9%

being abusive  6.6%

pleading ignorance  10.40%

“rushing to toilet” 0.90%

lying and saying meter out of order  1.70%

other  8.10%

Car with clamp on to immobilize movement as a penalty to an offence such as no tax

Another result arising from the study was the number of those surveyed (20,000 drivers took part) who felt clamping is unfair – 75%. The results follow the recent announcement that the Oireachtas intends to regulate the private clamping sector. However, while regulation would certainly help, there is no doubt that a credibility issue arises generally in relation to vehicle clamping. Many people, quite understandably, consider the exercise is as much about revenue generation as anything else. This sentiment is something the Government should not ignore.